Sunday, 17 January 2016

From the Studio Floor - Animation screen shots

I have discovered that Aftereffects allows for each frame to be saved as a PSD file, this means that paintings can be selected from within the animation. In this way the animation acts as a master library from which additional work can be drawn.

I see this linking to the post-modern technological sublime in which the sublime can be evoked from the scene of a digital infinite.

In a future project I may look to producing a large amount of small scale images drawn from a single animation. I am interested in the idea that from a single source a wide range of works can be created, further exploring how context and process effect the reading of the work.

I find many of these screenshots more interesting that earlier photoshop paintings done before I started the animation. In a way it creates a cyclicar process in which painting informs animation, informs painting, etc...

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