Sunday, 8 March 2015

Repeat Tests

Here I was experimenting with how I could put images into a repeating format. I found the quickest and therefore most sympathetic to the act of 'painting' was to use the Offset function in effects. However this is not a process I use commercially for my surface pattern designs, when working with multiple layers it becomes difficult to accurately predict where icons will offset to! However because I'm trying to achieve an ''all-over' effect this randomization doesn't present so much of a problem.

Below are repeat tiles, where a mark half appears on the left edge you should see the other half of it reappear on the right-hand side. Same for the top edge and bottom edge, this means they could be repeated with no visible joins to interrupt the flow of the overall image. this also means that the image can be increased or decreased to fit the context in which it is placed.

For the last few experiments I have been using the same format of 2480 x 2480 pixels & 300 DPI. I have always liked working with a square format as I feel its not preloaded with associations like a landscape or portrait orientation can be.  

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